
10:00 - 19:20
Find a way to the laboratory by bus with useful web site, ytv.
They show nearest address to destination including walking time, no need to look for nearest station.
Get a room(key), a machine(ubuntu), an ID card, and an electric money to get public transportation.
Show my data to 3 researchers and start to discuss how to find out networks from the data.
Try to get used to new Unix machine and keyboard.
Go to the supermarket. (how to buy vegetables!!)
There are almost no one in lab at 19:00, but it is still light outside.
Submit IP address to Twitter team to get more data.
Find paper about human activity at PNAS in trash box.
Meet professor, researchers, and secretary. There are all kind and nice.
Test to connect TSUBAME (super computer belonging to Tokyo Institute of Technology).