英語の形態素解析機器GENIA tagger

./geniatagger Alice.txt


不思議の国のアリスの冒頭「Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do:」はこんな感じ.
元の単語,原型(base),品詞(POStag),チャンク(chunk),NE(Named Entity)

Alice	Alice	NNP	B-NP	O
was	be	VBD	B-VP	O
beginning	begin	VBG	I-VP	O
to	to	TO	I-VP	O
get	get	VB	I-VP	O
very	very	RB	B-ADJP	O
tired	tired	JJ	I-ADJP	O
of	of	IN	B-PP	O
sitting	sit	VBG	B-VP	O
by	by	IN	B-PP	O
her	her	PRP$	B-NP	O
sister	sister	NN	I-NP	O
on	on	IN	B-PP	O
the	the	DT	B-NP	O

bank	bank	NN	B-NP	O
,	,	,	B-PP	O
and	and	CC	I-PP	O
of	of	IN	B-PP	O
having	have	VBG	B-VP	O
nothing	nothing	NN	B-NP	O
to	to	TO	B-VP	O
do	do	VB	I-VP	O
:	:	:	O	O

他にも,Brill's TaggerやTreeTagger(フランス,スペイン可能)があるとのこと.
