
若い人の主役の会議.年上の大御所は参加しているけれど,オブザーバー的な感じで直接発表していない.(Kertesz, Stanley, Mantegna etc.) ニューヨーク州立大の佐山さんによると,世界中に散らばったバラバシの門下生が年に一度集まる同窓会みたいなもん,らしい.


リンクが現れたり消えたりする,Temporal networkが流行中.物理学者が7割,コンピュータ科学者3割くらいな印象.物理学者もオリジンが物理で,今やっているのは計算機科学に近い人が多数で,属性が私に似ている.
データーの貴重さ等もあり,オープンか否かが1つのキーワード.bring home messageをキッチリ言う人が多いのも特徴的.

私自身の発表は成功と言えるが,質疑応答の質がNG.何を言っているかはほぼ,わかる(5/6)のだけれど,答えがone phraseで終わる.他の人はここぞとばかりに,付加情報をしたり,もっと知ってるんだぜ,やってるんだぜアピールをするのに,全然生かせない.この問題は英語というよりも,研究自体に関する問題なのでもっと,詰める研究をしてないと.物理学会での質疑応答もしかり.



1. Havlin
social network
	1 How  created Gallos et al. PRX(2012) 
		Motifs occur significantly
	2 How indentify spreaders Kitsak et al. Nature Phys (2020) 
		K-shell better than degree or betweenes
	3 Formed? Shao PRL(2009), Qian et al. J. Stat.Phys (2013)
		Agent's own opinion should be considered
	4 extreme opinion Makase et al. arXiv
		Agents surrounding by less extreme people are more stubborn(頑固)

1 Interaction: 5 basic mechanism
 change, balance, distant, collective attention, structure hole
 -> distant most big 
 2 k-shell decomposition analysis can identify the spreader
 3 J. Shao's idea -> majority rule + own opinion = Non concensus state (NCO)
 4 extreme shows nonlinear increase with normal
  NCO model can reproduce
 2. Tumminello
  statistically validated network
  Bipartise network 1. suspect - crime 2. market members - transactions
  crimes per suspect power law
  types per crime power law 
  Bonferroni test -> restrict network
  happy aging?

4. Adamic
 Cascade two types of photo Obama Victory vs Million Like Me
 age, gender, country, political difference
 spreading is different
	[exogenous effect exists, TV or web news ? vs exogenous]

5. Pedreschi
 Orange challenge -> Ivory court mobile phone data
6. Toole
 Mobile data and employment
 Do layoff affect social networks?
 Call data and layoff data
 7 Yasseri
 Revert network
 10 Lamboitte
  Online game network : structural balance
 myPersonality -> facebook application : psychological mesaurment
 5 dimentions OCEAN
 30 -1000 facebook friends = typical person
 (historical study is limited, biased but massive data )
 Kertez: online <- -> offline = some similarity
 11 Tredan
  SOUK project
  Tag + human -> position 
  0. Leskovic
   Collaborate with twitter : follow - follower network very temporal
   Visited Tokyo for Kitsunegawa on March
   15? students
   1. Lamboitte
   M. McPherson, L. Smith-Lawin J.M. Cook (2001)
   	Amm.Rev.Social 27.415
 Need for new algorithms, New theoretical questions
  2. Masuda
   SocioPatterns Project
  burst :  CV = stad(tau)/<tau> CV=1 for poisson, CV=0 for periodic
  Softky &  Neurosc (i1993) classic
  Goh & Barabasi B
   Correlated inter event time by Takaguchi et al., PRX
   -> Model : Queue model by OR = Exponential
   	+ Priority queue model by Barabasi =Power-law task has priority i.i.d. random value
   reproduce power-law inter-event time distribution with exponent 1
   but some result shows 1.5.
   but not every task has priority
   -> Model Two-state point process
    idea is well known in neuroscience up/down state
	+ Cascading Process process by Malgren, Amaral et al.,  PNAS 2008
  circadian pattern and self-exciting nature
  ( Neuroscience seems to be useful...)
  + Two-state model by Karsai Sci. Rep. (2012)
  	normal <--> excited
	  Temporal walk
	  Synchronized triangles
	  Randomization distribution keep + order destroy
	(1)Activity-driven model for temporal network Perra et al., Sci. Rep. 2012
	 -> most stable model for the moment
 Data-driven vs  hypothesis-driven	 
 badge change behavior? -> around thsrehold, yes
2-dimention model 
direction = preference
World citation 
How about population. Talking about Gravity raw, I naturally think that compare mass as population.
You put number of citation as mass term.
You can compare these two.
Is there any threshold, number of authors or countries ?
How about Japan cost efficiency?
I think Kweit is spend money is for other foregin countries.
Budgets can be normalized by DGP or currency rate or publication fee.

Global language network
Wikipedia, Twitter, Translation -> 
Japanese is not central but second largest population in twitter.
but wikipedia is well connected

LINKS 2013 July 22-23 2013 Cambridge

Community -> based on weak ties i.e., centrality, betweenness
Overlapping communities : confirm based on true data
Communities s "tiles" = Simmel(1955), ot Granovetter(1973)
Overlapping, Non-overlapping, nested 
core = most overlapping area

snowball sampling: サンプルしたら,次のサンプルの人を紹介してもらう

Self-avoiding effect ? by Sayama
Why shuffled document.

Activity driven model with memory
Reinforced network
Temporal effect + memory
Rumor spreading Daley & Kendall (1964)

Contextual analysis framework
Burst + Context
Context = friends

Barabasi, Watts, Strogatz, Takayasu(の本)が呼び戻してくれた.自由で刺激的な世界.ありがたい.この世界でどうか生き続けられますように.